GPs reminding Aucklanders they’re ‘open for business’ despite Level 3 restrictions


GPs reminding Aucklanders they’re ‘open for business’ despite Level 3 restrictions

Media release from the RNZCGP

The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners is reminding Aucklanders that, despite Level 3 restrictions, general practices are open for business.

The College’s medical director, Dr Bryan Betty said, "It’s really important that if people are unwell that they continue to seek medical advice and Level 3 doesn’t change that, but it may change how they’re seen by their doctor.

"I know that the COVID-19 pandemic can make it seem like everyday life changes in an instant, but the fact is that our ongoing health care needs still require medical attention and it’s important that if there’s an issue that people contact their GP."

The College is letting people know that in-person consultations with their GP will still be available, if required, and health clinics will direct their patients how to see their GP safely. Remote consultations - by phone or video call - will be offered.

"It’s really important that too that if people have appointments for routine care that they call their GP first to check whether those can still go ahead at Level 3, says Dr Betty.

"Just remember that while you’re GP is open for business, it’s best to call first."
