Many people travel to high-altitude destinations, meaning clinicians are often faced with questions about how to prevent and treat altitude illness. Update your knowledge with this New Zealand Society of Travel Medicine summary of updated evidence-based guidelines with comments by senior lecturer Jenny Visser – it outlines the best prophylactic regimens, diagnostic approaches and treatment protocols for acute altitude illness
The New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow
The New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow

4865 - Adequacy of publicly funded colonoscopy services in New Zealand
Philip Bagshaw, Brian Cox
4790 - Thyroid eye disease in New Zealand: interaction between ethnicity and smoking status
Lize Angelo, Rachael Niederer, Richard Hart
4798 - New Zealand hospital stroke service provision
Stephanie Thompson, P Alan Barber, John Fink, John Gommans, Alan Davis, Matire Harwood, Jeroen Douwes, Dominique A Cadilhac, Harry McNaughton, Jackie Girvan, Ginny Abernethy, Valery Feigin, Andrew Wilson, Hayley Denison, Marine Corbin, William Levack, Annemarei Ranta
4511 - Patient characteristics, treatment outcomes and rehabilitation practices for patients admitted with hip fractures using multiple data set analysis
Samantha Warhurst, Soledad Labbe-hubbard, Ma Yi, Jane Vella-Brincat, Tonya Sammon, Jane Webb, Caroline McCulloch, Gary J Hooper, Nigel L Gilchrist
4522 - Left ventricular thrombus after ST segment elevation myocardial infarction: a single-centre observational study
Chathura BB Ratnayake, Benjamin Liu, Jocelyne Benatar, Ralph AH Stewart, Jithendra B Somaratne
This is a study of patients with a clot in the heart following a heart attack. In New Zealand the main treatment between 2014-2015 was Warfarin a blood thinning medication. Though the clot in the heart it is a rare complication, approximately one in eight patients can die from this after one year even when on blood thinning therapy.
4541 An evaluation of the contents of advance care plans and their use in patients admitted to a public hospital
Henricus Berend Speelberg, Brett Shand, Jane Goodwin, Rachel Wiseman, Laura Belluscio, Kate Grundy
4619 - Accuracy of SNOMED-CT Chief Presenting Complaint Codes: an audit of 1,000 cases
Peter G Jones, Annette Dance, Nikhar Shah Mannetje
Increased unemployment from the COVID-19 pandemic, what might be the adverse impacts on cardiovascular disease in Aotearoa/New Zealand and how might this be prevented?
Nhung Nghiem, Anja Mizdrak, Nick Wilson