Whether harmed or not, patients have a right to know when errors are made

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Whether harmed or not, patients have a right to know when errors are made

Morag McDowell_New HDC

Office of the HDC

Cordelia Thomas
Cordelia Thomas associate commissioner, Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner
Cordelia Thomas is associate commissioner, Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner

When patients complain to the health and disability commissioner, often insufficient or late disclosure of medical error has been part of the problem. Cordelia Thomas explains the value of taking early and full responsibility

An apology is a statement that acknowledges an error and its consequences, takes responsibility, and communicates regret for having caused harm M

Gallagher TH, Waterman AD, Garbutt JM, et al. US and Canadian physicians’ attitudes and experiences regarding disclosing errors to patients. Arch Intern Med 2006;166:1605–11.