Public Health Association calls for the Minister of Health to intervene and support the Māori Health Authority alternative commissioning framework

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Public Health Association calls for the Minister of Health to intervene and support the Māori Health Authority alternative commissioning framework

Media release from the Public Health Association of New Zealand

The Public Health Association of New Zealand (PHANZ) calls on the Minister of Health to intervene and adopt the alternative commissioning framework outlined on pg 174 of the Simpson Report.

To seriously address the intergenerational Māori health inequities highlighted in the WAI 2575 Hauora: Stage One report both the government, and the minister must entrench a commissioning/co commissioning role for the new Māori Health Authority.

We also call for answers on why a consensus on the alternative report could not be reached with the Māori Expert Advisory Panel from Heather Simpson, and for a full Te Tiriti compliance-based audit on the Health and Disability Review Report 2020

The PHA supports its member’s feedback with a full summary of recommendations that can be found here