Meaningful and engaging activities in aged residential care: Our future is our choice

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Meaningful and engaging activities in aged residential care: Our future is our choice

By Ngaire Kerse and Orquidea Tamayo Mortera
Older woman, older woman painting
Creating art can improve quality of life for seniors

For many weeks, residents of care homes had limited interaction with loved ones and the outside world due to COVID-19. This article reviews the activities that provided older people with meaning and purpose during this time, and suggests how to move forward

Ngaire Kerse and Orquidea Tamayo Mortera

Key points, Diversional and recreational therapists supported residents of care homes to continue to live fulfilling, inspired lives throughout lockdown. Progra, Pract Green w Pale Yellow

1. Broad JB, Ashton T, Gott M, et al. Likelihood of residential aged care use in later life: a simple approach to estimation with international comparison. Aust NZ J Public Health 2015;39(4):374–79.

2. Tamayo Mortera O. Diversional and Recreational Therapy during a Pandemic: Guideline for Residential Care. 2020.