Exercise after childbirth: experts find little good evidence

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Exercise after childbirth: experts find little good evidence

Steve Targett

Steve Targett

Running with baby
Only one in five women regain their pre-pregnancy levels of fitness by six months postpartum

Many women are keen to regain pre-pregnancy levels of fitness after giving birth. This article summarises a 2016 IOC review and what little evidence and few recommendations there are

There will always be an element of detraining in the final stages of pregnancy and early postpartum period In 2016, the International Olympic Com

1. Bø K, Artal R, Barakat R et al. Exercise and pregnancy in recreational and elite athletes: 2016/17 evidence summary from the IOC Expert Group Meeting, Lausanne. Part 3 – exercise in the postpartum period. Br J Sports Med 2017; 22 Jun online: doi 10.1136/bjs­ports-2017-097964.