Many people travel to high-altitude destinations, meaning clinicians are often faced with questions about how to prevent and treat altitude illness. Update your knowledge with this New Zealand Society of Travel Medicine summary of updated evidence-based guidelines with comments by senior lecturer Jenny Visser – it outlines the best prophylactic regimens, diagnostic approaches and treatment protocols for acute altitude illness
The New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow
The New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow

COVID-19—the frontline (a GP perspective)
Kate Baddock
Ability of the Maze Navigation Test, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and Trail Making Tests A & B to predict on-road driving performance in current drivers diagnosed with dementia
Etuini Ma’u, Gary Cheung
Is there a role for Rongoā Māori in public hospitals? The results of a hospital staff survey
Jonathan Koea, Glennis Mark
The New Zealand oral and maxillofacial surgeon workforce in 2017-18: characteristics, practice and prospects
John B Bridgman, Graham Fulton, Simon M-Y Lou, W Murray Thomson, Alastair N Goss
Variation in volumes and characteristics of trauma patients admitted to a level one trauma centre during national level 4 lockdown for COVID-19 in New Zealand – OPEN ACCESS
Grant Christey, Janet Amey, Alaina Campbell, Alastair Smi
The post-lockdown period should be used to acquire effective therapies for future resurgence in SARS-Cov-2 infections – OPEN ACCESS
Kurt L Krause, Richard Furneaux, Paul Benjes, Margaret Brimble, Tony Davidson, Bill Denny, Lawrence Harris, Simon Hinkley, Peter Tyler, James Ussher, Vernon Ward
Trends in prescription medicine use by older people in New Zealand 2010– 2015: a national population-based study
Andrew M Tomlin, David J Woods, James J. Reid, Murray W Tilyard
The prevalence of refractive error and visual impairment among New Zealand children in a community with significant socioeconomic disadvantage: Is current preschool vision screening effective?
Rebecca Findlay, Joanna Black, Nicola Anstice, Alison Burge, Alison Leversha
The characteristics and outcomes of patients with colorectal cancer in New Zealand, analysed by Cancer Network
Tania Blackmore, Chunhuan Lao, Lynne Chepulis, Blaithin Page, Ross Lawrenson
Towards Elimination of tuberculosis in New Zealand
Ayesha J Verrall, Philip C Hill, Dougal Thorburn, Michael Maze, Lavinia Perumal, Kate Grimwade, Craig N Thornley, Josh Freeman, Mitzi Nisbet, Timothy K Blackmore
James E Ussher, Graham Le Gros, Miguel Quiñones-Mateu, Shivali Gulab, Melissa Yiannoutsos
Why BMI should still be on the table
Lisa Daniels, Wayne S Cutfield, Rachael W Taylor, Barry J Taylor
Changes to management of a non-pandemic illness during the COVID-19 pandemic: case study of invasive management of acute coronary syndrome – OPEN ACCESS
Sean Coffey, Anouska Moynagh, Belinda Green, John Edmond, Gerard T Wilkins, Brendan Arnold, James Pemberton, Ben Wilkins, Michael JA Williams
Case Reports
“Perry’s Syndrome: A case of atypical parkinsonism with confirmed DCTN1 mutation.”
McManus, Poke, Phillips, Asztely,
Foveal laser pointer injury: are laser pointers safe enough for public possession?
Kelvin Ngan, Sacha Moore
Title: Ocular syphilis in Pacific peoples - are we making misdiagnoses secondary to yaws?
Hannah Gill, Helen V Danesh-Meyer, Joanne L Sims, Mitzi Nisbet, Rachael L Niederer
100 Years Ago
A Case of Chronic Bulbar Paralysis
By F. F. A. ULRICH, M.B.
Geoffrey Wynne-Jones; 28 January 1925–24 October 2019
General Surgeon