Media update COVID-19


Media update COVID-19

Media release from the Ministry of Health
1 minute to Read

No new cases of COVID-19 were reported today. 224 tests completed; 5 positive.

Information about the most recent positive case from yesterday is here:

Healthline numbers

Dedicated COVID-019 number, 0800 358 5453 calls are free and services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Healthline has been busy, over 2600 calls on Saturday, almost double the number of calls for the same time last year.


The World Health Organization reports from what we currently know suggests COVID-19 spreads less efficiently than influenza but it causes more severe illness than influenza.

Transmission does not appear to be driven by people who do not have symptoms.

There are not yet any vaccines or therapeutics but it can be contained – which is why we must do everything we can to contain it. Our plan fits with the World Health Organization's recommendation of taking a comprehensive approach.

Public health services here want to find any COVID-19 cases – this step is fundamental to an effective public health response and protecting the community.

Finding cases means we can then take appropriate measures to prevent spread – as has been happening to date.

We know we prevent spread by case finding, contact tracing and putting individuals in self isolation measures until the incubation period has passed.

That requires everybody’s efforts – including supporting people who are affected by the virus.

Actions people can take to protect themselves from COVID-19 are to regularly and thoroughly wash and dry their hands; cover coughs and sneezes; and stay home from school or work if sick.
