Medical Council media statement about University of Otago students


Medical Council media statement about University of Otago students

Media release from the Medical Council

A specially formed Committee of the Medical Council of New Zealand met on Monday to consider the applications for registration of a number of medical students after questions of conduct were raised in relation to the completion of their elective placements.

The medical students were referred to Council following a University of Otago investigation and consideration by the University’s Fitness to Practice Committee.

A number of the students were interviewed by the Council’s Committee. The Committee was concerned that the conduct was clearly below the level of professionalism expected of doctors and inconsistent with the standards expected of the medical profession. The Committee took an educational approach focusing on professionalism and the importance of a high standard of ethics and honesty within the profession.

Registration for these students had been delayed as the University of Otago first had to award the medical degree qualification. They were then unable to start practising until they had been reviewed by the Committee and received registration and a practicing certificate. The Council recognises the workforce impact this will have had on many District Health Boards and made it a priority to consider the applications without delay.

Trust is essential to the establishment and maintenance of the doctor-patient relationship and underlies patient care and public safety.
- Curtis Walker, chair
