Plunket joins Sending Love project to end Christmas loneliness


Plunket joins Sending Love project to end Christmas loneliness

Media release from Plunket
1 minute to Read

Plunket Playgroups around New Zealand will be getting out the craft paper and crayons to make cards filled with love for rest home residents this Christmas.

The playgroups are making the cards as part of the Sending Love for Christmas initiative. Sending Love is a nationwide project that collects Christmas cards written by everyday kiwis and distributes them to people who might be feeling lonely or need some extra love and care during the festive season. The project was started in 2017 by mum Hannah Rodgers and her 5-year-old son Jayden Devin-Rodgers. The project took off and last Christmas more than 55,000 messages of love made it into rest homes and other organisations around the country.

“This year we want to reach even more people with our cards. Plunket has playgroups in many communities, so we are excited they are getting involved”, says Hannah.

Plunket’s Northern Region Operations Manager Sam Ferreira says, “The Sending Love project connects people in communities and this is something Plunket also aims to do – we work to make sure no whānau or family is left feeling isolated or disconnected. We are delighted to take part.”

Plunket will work with local Sending Love coordinators around the country to arrange for the drop-off and, where possible, hand-delivery of the cards by Plunket playgroup tamariki. Cards will be delivered one or two weeks before Christmas.

“It is amazing to see the impact the cards have on people”, says Hannah. “At rest homes, there are people who have very limited contact with their families. Some don’t have any family to spend time with at Christmas. Getting a card written with love and care makes a big difference to them – the looks on their faces when they are delivered is priceless”.

Hannah plans to reach as many people as possible through Sending Love who may be feeling isolated and alone this Christmas – in addition to rest homes, she plans to include Meals on Wheels, homeless shelters, Women’s Refuge, RSA’s, hospitals and other organisations.

Sending Love has drop-boxes in about 80 communities throughout New Zealand. The public can take part by writing a message in a card – making sure it’s full of love – and dropping it into their nearest drop box, or by sending it to PO Box 90-701, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142. Drop box locations and additional information can be found at
