Looking for a GP (full-time/part-time) - Western Sydney, Australia

Looking for a GP (full-time/part-time) - Western Sydney, Australia

General Practitioner

Accepting locum doctors for 6-12 months. 70-75% remuneration. Full-time nursing staff, pathology, allied health and specialists available.

GPs required (FT/PT) to manage our rapidly growing and diverse patient base. We have two fully accredited bulk billing practices that are open 5-7 days a week. We are dedicated to providing the finest healthcare service for our patients.

  • Great opportunity for any GP wanting to relocate or set up base in an area of diverse patients and needs.
  • We offer 70-75% of all Medicare receipts, private billing and work cover
  • 6-month placements for locum GPs available at both medical centres for a total of up to 12 months.

Contact; Dr Prashanta Mallick (Principal GP) on

Western Sydney, Australia