WellSouth Annual Report released


WellSouth Annual Report released

Media release from WellSouth Primary Health Network
1 minute to Read

WellSouth Primary Health Network, the primary health organisation for Otago and Southland, has released its annual report, celebrating the stories and people that have worked hard to deliver and support delivery of primary care in Southern.

At the WellSouth Annual General Meeting held yesterday on Tuesday 12 November, WellSouth Board Chair Doug Hill thanked staff, CEO Andrew Swanson-Dobbs and the community of healthcare providers for their work.

“I think we have had a very good year in terms of what we've achieved in the environment we're in. I really want to commend the management team, especially Andrew who’s done an outstanding job in a fairly difficult environment to deliver the strategic objectives of the board and support primary care region wide.”

“There aren't many organisations that celebrate a $1.67 million deficit for the year, but we are celebrating that because that's delivered increased services to patients throughout the southern region, especially with our equity focus, as we support primary care region wide.”

The theme of this year’s annual report is inspired by the He Puka pounamu anchor stone that was gifted to WellSouth. It acknowledges relationships and upholds values of strength, connection, community and respect.

Like other primary health organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand, we are not for profit and board governed. As well as supporting and empowering primary health care providers, we deliver our own programmes, services and training, and we advocate for primary care.

We invite you to read the report.