An update from the General Practice Leaders Forum


An update from the General Practice Leaders Forum

Statement from General Practice Leaders Forum chair Sam Murton
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The General Practice Leaders Forum met on 9th of November for their quarterly face to face meeting.

The General Practice Leaders Forum met on 9th of November for their quarterly face to face meeting.

The organisations represented are New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO), New Zealand College of Primary Care Nurses, Hauora Taiwhenua, GPNZ, GenPro, Practice Managers Association Aotearoa New Zealand (PMAANZ), and RNZCGP.

Current discussions and areas of advocacy that we are working on together are pay equity for primary care nurses, contracted provider representation at contract negotiations, and review of capitation funding. NZNO is leading the work on pay equity for nursing, and we are following up on the timing of the meeting on the capitation review.

Further progress was made in establishing and agreeing a mechanism for all Contracted Providers to select their own agents at PSAAP. We’re continuing to work together towards this, with the aim of reconvening PSAAP. We anticipate that the next steps will be completed over the coming weeks and will announce the position then. Any future contract negotiating process needs to have the same rights and responsibilities for all parties and if we can get this right now it will stand us in good stead for the future.

At our meeting yesterday we had Abbe Anderson, Head of Commissioning at Te Whatu Ora, and Andy Inder who is working on the primary care data set.
In our discussions with Abbe various members spoke about the ‘survival’ rather than sustainability of general practice, the expected reach of the rural telehealth service, the role out of comprehensive care teams, and integration between community and hospital services. We also touched on urgent care services and the struggles in this area as well, recognising that they are very different across the motu.

The GP Leaders Forum continues to work together to advance health services delivered by general practice in the community.
Joined up and working for you.