Terms of reference for the National Bowel Screening Programme review released


Terms of reference for the National Bowel Screening Programme review released

Media release from the Ministry of Health

The Terms of Reference for an Independent Assurance Review for the National Bowel Screening Programme has been released today.

The Minister of Health is seeking assurance through an independent review about how well positioned the NBSP is for successful delivery, what changes might be required and what the Ministry of Health can learn to support the design and roll out of further national initiatives. 

The Health Quality and Safety Commission (HQSC) will provide expert project management and secretariat support to the review team to ensure timely delivery of the findings.

Professor Gregor Coster will lead the review team that includes Dr William Rainger, Professor Graeme Young and Dr Mary Seddon.

Additional reviewer(s) with particular areas of expertise can be appointed to support the Lead reviewer. 

The review team will also include input from a Public Health Medicine Specialist to provide expertise on population health systems and the impacts of these systems on the quality and safety of the roll out with a focus on future improvements. 

More information

Terms of Reference - an Independent Assurance Review for National Bowel Screening Programme (Word, 25 KB)
