Statement from the director-general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield

This item is over 2 years old; some content may no longer be current

Statement from the director-general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield

Media release from the Ministry of Health
Ashley Bloomfield

In my earlier public statement, I stated that I attended the recent cricket match in a private capacity.

I was incorrect.

As I clarified earlier yesterday, I am in the role of the Director-General of Health every day.

I recognise that the invitation was extended to me because I am in that position. It is important that I avoid any potential for perception of a conflict of interest or personal benefit.

I thought I was acting within the Public Service Commission Guidelines on Chief Executive Gifts, Benefits and Expenses guidelines.

On re-reading the guidelines, I now accept that declaring the complimentary tickets to the game on a gift register was insufficient and that they should have been refused, as they will be from now on.

I have clarified this with the Public Service Commissioner.

I have donated the price of the tickets, and also the price of tickets to two Hurricanes games last year (also previously declared), to Wellington City Mission.