Social investment in hi-tech health service for Otangarei

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Social investment in hi-tech health service for Otangarei

Media release from the New Zealand Government
2 minutes to Read

Te Kura o Otangarei, Te Hau Āwhiowhio o Otangarei Trust and the Northland Social Well Being Governance Group is making iMOKO available for tamariki in Otangarei, Whangarei.

Northland District Health Board Chief Executive, Dr Nick Chamberlain (Northland Social Wellbeing Governance Group member) is pleased for the opportunity to partner with these groups and provide initiatives in the Otangarei community to raise and develop the wellbeing of tamariki and whānau.

This iMOKO initiative provides an opportunity to continue a longstanding partnership with Te Hau Āwhiowhio o Otangarei Trust Health Clinic and support their work to improve health outcomes for whānau and tamariki in Otangarei. The Trust health services in Otangarei recently earned the ‘Innovative Models of Care’ award at the 2017 Tai Tokerau Nursing and Midwifery ACE Awards which is an acknowledgement of their nursing model of service delivery.

Navilluso Medical Ltd will introduce its innovative health assessment tool iMOKO into the community and school to engage with tamariki and their whānau. The iMOKO service will identify and address common medical conditions and illnesses. This will work in partnership with local health service provision through Te Hau Āwhiowhio o Otangarei thus adding a further tool to supporting whānau needs.

iMOKO founder and former New Zealander of the Year, Dr Lance O’Sullivan says he and his wife are committed to developing innovative ways to ensure appropriate and quality healthcare reach the right people in the right place at the right time.

“iMOKO is about making healthcare readily available to those who need it. We have a vision that people can access services conveniently and efficiently in minutes rather than hours or days,” Dr O’Sullivan says.

“The technology is simple, using smart device applications. We provide the digital clinical hardware and software to schools and communities and train them to conduct health assessments. If whānau are isolated or stuck at home, smart devices are a common connect with the outside world. Our technology offers a healthcare solution via this medium.”

“Health needs to catch up. From a clinical point of view, we as doctors or nurses don’t need to physically be in front of these tamariki to assess their initial health needs. However once whānau are engaged, we can work together with local health providers to raise the standard of care they receive.”

Dr Chamberlain said: “As a Governance Board we’re focused on supporting projects that we know work and powering them up within communities to make a positive difference in the lives of Northland whānau.”

“In this situation, agency leaders are working together to meet community needs in innovative ways. The iMOKO initiative will also dovetail with the local regeneration project, Kāinga Ora o Otangarei, which is focused on lifting the vitality and wellbeing of the Otangarei community and whānau. This approach is about working together to ensure every child in Otangarei gets the best possible start in life,” adds Dr Chamberlain.

iMOKO will be launched at Te Kura o Otangarei on William Jones Drive at 3.15pm, Wednesday 2 August.