RNZCGP latest update: 12 August 2020


RNZCGP latest update: 12 August 2020

Update from RNZCGP
1 minute to Read

General practice still has a duty of care to the most vulnerable in our community - in particular the elderly and those living with co-morbidity and in deprivation. Physical distancing and hand washing are the mainstay of controlling COVID-19.

The College and others are working on developing more information about caring for patients in the face of this resurgence and we will be getting this information out to members within the next week.

The principles of Level 3

You can read the Government's Alert Level descriptions here, but the following principles relate specifically to general practice.

  • We need to continue to reassure patients that general practice is open for business.
  • The first service to contact for community medical care is your general practice. 
  • Offer virtual consultations to patients as first choice: telephone, video and patient portal.
  • In-person consultations should be available as required.
  • In-person visits should be preceded by virtual triage or assessment.
  • Maintain physical distancing procedures within the surgery.
  • Scrupulous hand hygiene.
  • Maintain the use of PPE as appropriate.
  • Investigations should be provided if there is a strong suspicion of pathology.
  • Proactive care is important for patients with chronic disease.
  • Equity is central to care with a focus on Maori, Pasifika and vulnerable populations.
  • Long term management is important for our patients.
  • Increase focus on elderly, children, chronic conditions and mental health.
  • Business as usual services need to continue including preventive services, immunisations, contraception services and acute care. 
  • Medicolegally any deviation from your standard practice as a result of COVID-19 should be documented in the patient’s notes.
  • Maintaining Green and Red Streams in general practice 

As the frontline of health in New Zealand we can all take comfort from the early successes of the fight against COVID-19, and the critical role that we in general practice have played in this outcome. 

It is contingent on us to continue to demonstrate leadership regarding the health of our patients, and ourselves. As such, we need to maintain physical distancing procedures within our surgeries. 

In particular, patients with symptoms suggestive of respiratory infection must continue to be separated from non-respiratory patients within the practice.

Signage for patients is essential, and some practices will find it necessary to have their doors locked - allowing only restricted access for the safety of patients and staff.

It is essential that we continue to provide the environment and the assurance to patients and our staff that our practices are safe for them and their families.  

Kia kaha everyone. We know that this is a long game and we need to stick together and support each other as we go through these hard times.
