Resident Doctors Issue Notice of Third Strike


Resident Doctors Issue Notice of Third Strike

Media release from the New Zealand Resident Doctors' Association
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Resident Doctors will be carrying out a second 48 - hour strike Tuesday and Wednesday next week and have now voted in favour of a third strike to take place 12th and 13th February, 2019.

“The failure on the part of the DHBs to withdraw clawbacks at mediation yesterday only strengthened the resolve of our members” says David Munro, senior advocate for the RDA.

“The resident doctors are committed and unwavering in their ongoing battle for a fair deal. They will continue strike action in defence of their collective agreement.”

“We are beyond frustrated at the fixed position of the DHBs.” says David Munro.

“In effect, we took every claim off the table, but that was not enough. Whilst the DHBs will offer a similar pay rise to others received in the health sector, they will only do so if we give up existing provisions that protect our members.”

Resident Doctors and Senior Medical Officers

Resident Doctors are also known as RMOs or Resident Medical Officers. The term SMO (Senior Medical Officer) is the equivalent term for Senior Doctors or consultants working in NZ's public health system. Resident doctors are registered medical practitioners ranging from new graduates fresh out of medical school through to vocationally registered GPs and SMOs. They can be a resident doctor for up to 13 years, during which time they continue with postgraduate training in specialist fields such as GP, paediatrics, surgery, pathology, and so on. Once they complete this additional training they become GPs or SMOs.
