Reimagining Māori public health: Oranga Whenua, Oranga Tangata Symposium to drive transformative change


Reimagining Māori public health: Oranga Whenua, Oranga Tangata Symposium to drive transformative change

Media release from Hapai Te Hauora
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The Oranga Whenua Oranga Tangata Symposium, hosted by Hāpai Te Hauora, will bring together community leaders, innovators, and stakeholders to explore culturally grounded solutions for improving Māori health. This event redefines public health through a Te Ao Māori lens, emphasising the interconnectedness between iwi development, education, media, whānau ora, te reo and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, among other areas.

The symposium honours the concept of kotahitanga and collective action - advocating for a holistic approach that ties the well-being of the land (Oranga Whenua) to the health of the people (Oranga Tangata). It aims to address pressing health challenges facing Māori by elevating Māori leadership and fostering cross-sector collaboration, the symposium seeks to create lasting change.

CEO Jacqui Harema explains, "As Māori public health continues to face significant challenges, the symposium serves as an opportunity to showcase Māori-led innovations and highlight the collective efforts across various sectors working to achieve positive health outcomes for our hapori and whānau."

The symposium features an extraordinary lineup of kaikōrero, trailblazers in their respective fields-fields that extend far beyond health. Kaikōrero include:

  • John and Awerangi Tamihere: Relentless advocates for urban Māori, champions of Whānau Ora, and visionaries behind the nationwide Proud to be Māori campaign.

  • Peter-Lucas Jones: Recently named by TIME magazineas one of the top 100 most influential leaders in AI. A leader in Māori language revitalisation through technology.

  • Libby Hakaraia and Tainui Stephens: Renowned and experienced indigenous storytellers.

  • Meihana and Ilane Durie: Prominent leaders in Māori education.

  • Te Wehi Wright: A proud product of Kura Kaupapa Māori and Te Aho Matua, expert in indigenous education systems, and Cultural Advisor for the Māori All Blacks.

"We have bought together a wide range of speakers with expertise in hauora Māori, te reo Māori, culture, and sustainability, ensuring an engaging and inspiring experience for all attendees," says Jason Alexander, Chief Operating Officer. The Oranga Whenua Oranga Tangata Symposium is an opportunity to unite leaders from all sectors, fostering a shared purpose and clear vision for collectively advancing Māori health and well-being.