ProCare announces winners of 2022 Quality Awards


ProCare announces winners of 2022 Quality Awards

Media release from ProCare
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Healthcare provider, ProCare, has today announced the winners of its 2022 Quality Awards. These annual awards recognise the excellence and quality of care that general practice teams provide in terms of improving the health and wellbeing of their patients, providing quality care and introducing new innovations.

The awards were based on clinical data held by ProCare.

Taking out the Overall Award for providing the ‘Our Picture of Health Outcomes’ (OPOH) and Quality Framework Awards was Ellerslie Medical Centre.

Winner of the ‘Our Picture of Health Outcomes’ Large practice was Mairangi Medical Centre, Medium Practice winner was Ellerslie Medical Centre and Small Practice winner was Eden Epsom Medical Centre.

These awards looked for the practice that achieved ‘best’ care for its overall and high needs patients across the following indicators:

  • immunisations (8 months & 2-year olds)
  • cervical screening
  • smoking brief advice
  • CVDRA newly eligible cohort
  • good/acceptable blood glucose levels (HbA1c glycaemic control < or equal to 64 mmol/mol)
  • Blood pressure control
  • Management of micro/macroalbuminuria
  • primary & secondary CVD prevention.

Bindi Norwell, Group Chief Executive at ProCare says: “The fact that our practices were able to achieve such positive results for their patients on top of dealing with a global pandemic is absolutely incredible.

“We know how hard it’s been to get patients into practices, so we want to celebrate the fantastic work that these teams of health professionals are doing every day to support the health and wellbeing of whānau in our communities,” she continues.

Dr Allan Moffitt, Clinical Director at ProCare’s says: “We have 182 practices across Tāmaki Makaurau and Te Tai Tokerau and this is about celebrating the achievements, the leadership and the extraordinary efforts general practices teams have undertaken in order to manage the health of their patients. General practices not only deal with acute illnesses as well as chronic long-term conditions, but they also have to deal with the day-to-day wellbeing needs of their patients.

“Congratulations to the winners, the runners up, but also to every single one of those general practice teams who do the amazing mahi day in and day out to improve the health of their population. We are delighted to recognise you all for everything you do,” he concludes.

All awards were for the period 1 July 2021-30 June 2022 with the exception of the flu award which looks at vaccination coverage at the end of September 2022. The full list of winners is made available below and were announced as part of ProCare’s AGM.
