New Zealand Blood Service urgently calls for more A+ Donors after major spike in demand


New Zealand Blood Service urgently calls for more A+ Donors after major spike in demand

Media release from NZ Blood
1 minute to Read
Blood donation
NZ Blood is calling for more blood donations, particularly from A+ donors.
  • Three extremely high use cases have impacted A+ blood levels which are now critically low
  • Donors are asked to keep appointments – every donation counts
  • A third of New Zealanders are A+, so new donors are encouraged to donate

New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS) needs more A+ Donors to donate after a massive increase in demand, adding further strain to already depleted national stocks struggling in the wake of Omicron.

Over the last seven days, demand for A+ has increased 19% above average with overall blood demand increasing by 13%. NZBS now have only four days’ stock of A+ blood (compared to the usually 10 days’ stock) which puts the stock at critical levels.

National Marketing & Communications Manager at NZBS Asuka Burge says this level of demand is challenging when stock levels had already been significantly affected by donor cancellations due to Omicron.

“We carefully manage stocks levels to ensure we collect enough of each blood type against forecasted demand. High usage events are planned for, but our ability to meet demand is being stretched. In the past week, we have had three emergency surgeries which have required 124 units of A+ blood between them (on top of normal demand), and as a result, we urgently need to build stocks of A+ blood.

“This equates to 124 donors’ individual donations being used in a very short period – and this has seriously depleted our A+ blood stocks.

“We need healthy, eligible people to book appointments, to ensure we can continue to have enough supply to meet demand.”

She says around 31% of New Zealanders are A+ and NZBS needs to collect over 1,000 units of it every week to meet demand. In the run up to Easter and ANZAC weekends, NZBS has forecast a shortfall of A+ and urgently needs people to book appointments to donate.

Extra appointment slots have been added, with several Donor Centres opening on Good Friday and Easter Monday to encourage donations. In total, NZBS has over 6000 appointments that need to be filled in April.

“If you have booked an appointment, regardless of blood type, we are also urging donors to please keep it if you are in good health. Every donation is vital, and we are counting on your donations.”

To book an appointment to donate visit, download the App, call 0800 448 325.
