Ministers recognise health volunteers


Ministers recognise health volunteers

Media release from Shane Reti, minister of health and Matt Doocey, minister for mental health
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Seven outstanding individuals and organisations have been recognised in the 2024 Minister of Health Volunteer Awards.

The recipients hail from across the country, and range in age from 17 to 90 years old.

Their work includes leading exercise groups for people with lung conditions, school students supporting disabled people, and the creation of a support group for Pasifika people with Parkinsons.

Minister of Health Dr Shane Reti has acknowledged all winners, as well as other volunteers across New Zealand.

“Since 2013, the Minister of Health Volunteer Awards have given us an opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge our incredible health volunteers.

“Across the country, thousands of New Zealanders support others in their communities through volunteering. Patients, staff and the whole health system benefit from their efforts.”

The 2024 Minister of Health Volunteer Award categories are Health Care Provider Service, Community/NGO Health, Māori Health Service, Pacific Health Service, Youth Health Volunteer, Long Service, and Mental Health and Addiction Service.

The Mental Health and Addiction Service category was added for the first time this year, aligning with the Government’s priority to increase mental health and addiction support.

“As New Zealand’s first Mental Health Minister, I am really pleased to see people recognised for their volunteer work in this space,” says Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey.

“I have seen first-hand the difference they make.”

Winners will be recognised with an event at Parliament early next year.

“Minister Doocey and I look forward to meeting the winners, so we can personally thank them for their important contributions,” says Dr Reti.

Category Winner Region
Health Care Provider Service Award Tarihira Anaru, Better Breathing Volunteer Christchurch
Community/NGO Health Award Cancer Society Oncology Hosts (known as the yellow shirts) Nationwide
Māori Health Service Award Te Whare Manaaki Team at Hauiti Hauora Tolaga Bay
Pacific Health Service Award Aloese Lefono, Pasifika Parkinson’s Support Group Auckland
Mental Health and Addiction Service Award Tanja Collinge, Volunteer Cook at Red Door Recovery Wellington
Long Service Award Trevor Johns, Hato Hone St John Volunteer Driver Rotorua