Minister welcomes appointment of Acting Director-General of Health


Minister welcomes appointment of Acting Director-General of Health

Media release from health minister David Clark

Health Minister Dr David Clark says he looks forward to working with Stephen McKernan following his appointment as Acting Director-General of Health.

The State Services Commission has announced that Mr McKernan will take over in an acting capacity from the current Director-General who finishes up in February.

“Stephen McKernan has a deep knowledge of the public health sector and is widely respected. As a former Director-General of Health he will be ready to hit the ground running in the acting DG role.

“I welcome Stephen’s appointment and will meet with him early in the New Year.

“His appointment will allow the State Services Commission to undertake a full recruitment process to find a permanent Director-General of Health. It’s important we take the time to find the best possible person to lead the Ministry of Health into the future,” says Dr Clark.
