Medical Council media statement regarding Venod Skantha


Medical Council media statement regarding Venod Skantha

Medical Council media release

Dr Skantha has not been able to work as a doctor since 28 February 2018. The Medical Council took the allegations very seriously and stopped Dr Skantha from practising as soon as possible.

The Medical Council’s deepest sympathies are with Amber-Rose’s family at this time.

A Professional Conduct Committee has been established to investigate the allegations about Dr Skantha, which today have found to be proven by the jury. The Professional Conduct Committee investigation was placed on hold pending the outcome of the criminal trial. The Professional Conduct Committee will resume its investigation immediately. An option available to the Professional Conduct Committee is to file a charge in the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal. If Dr Skantha is found to have been convicted of an offence which reflects adversely on his fitness to practise, the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal may cancel Dr Skantha’s registration.

- Joan Simeon, Chief Executive of the Medical Council of New Zealand
