Mana Taurite Pledge - He Kupu Taurangi Mō Te Mana Taurite


Mana Taurite Pledge - He Kupu Taurangi Mō Te Mana Taurite

National Hauora Coaltion
2 minutes to Read

Te Rā o Waitangi (this Waitangi Day), National Hauora Coalition (NHC) is launching the Mana Taurite Pledge: He kupu taurangi mō te mana taurite. We’re calling on individuals and organisations across the motu to commit to honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi and taking transformative action to realise equity for Māori in Aotearoa.

What is the Mana Taurite Pledge?
The Mana Taurite Pledge is a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and to equity for Māori – now and for future generations.

By taking the Pledge, you agree to challenge the status quo, demonstrate authentic partnership and act boldly to address racism and colonialism. You commit to ensuring that Aotearoa values and protects the indigenous population and to disrupting unjust policies, structures and processes. You commit to taking action to help create an Aotearoa where honouring Te Tiriti is no longer a radical act.

Pro-equity action exists on a continuum. Action may consist of learning about the history of this country, reviewing your own hiring policies or supporting the ongoing call for Tiriti-based constitutional reform.

In taking the Pledge you acknowledge that committing to equity is more than a tick-box exercise. It is ongoing.

Why are we launching the Mana Taurite Pledge?

February 6, 2022, marks 182 years since the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Since 1840 the actions of the Crown have fallen far short of delivering on its promises.

The ramifications of colonisation have been deep and far-reaching for iwi, hapū and whānau Māori. Racism and inequities are well-evidenced and remain stubbornly entrenched across all systems of government and sectors of society – from education, justice and housing, to media, business, health and the government’s Covid-19 response. These inequities are evidence of a failure to honour Te Tiriti. These inequities are unjust and have a corrosive impact on the fabric of our society.

Te Rā o Waitangi presents an opportunity to talk about the gulf that remains between the Crown’s obligations to Māori and what has been realised, articulate aspirations for a Tiriti-based future and call for meaningful change. This change won’t happen on its own. It requires concerted, co-ordinated, and sustained effort.

2040 will mark 200 years since the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. In 2040 we want to be celebrating our success in bringing about an equitable, Tiriti-based Aotearoa. Committing to the Mana Taurite Pledge strengthens the call for change and keeps the kōrero going.

Who can take the Mana Taurite Pledge?

Anyone can take the Mana Taurite Pledge. We all have a part to play in shaping an equitable, Tiriti-based future.

By launching the Mana Taurite Pledge NHC affirms our own commitment to equity and Te Tiriti. We invite those who are already at the table to help us by endorsing this pledge and those who haven’t yet taken a seat to pull up a chair.

Many New Zealanders will feel uncomfortable thinking about our country as anything other than fair and just. However, there is no argument for inequities to exist. It’s time to be brave and help hold the baton.
