The latest issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow


The latest issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow

Media release from NZMA
1 minute to Read

NZMJ, volume 131, number 1478, 13 July


Editorial 1

Transplant ethical considerations: response from the trenches
Stephen Munn

Editorial 2
The Zero Carbon Bill and the health of New Zealanders—help shape this crucial health law now
Andrea Forde, Liz Springford, Scott Metcalfe

Comparing methamphetamine, MDMA, cocaine, codeine and methadone use between the Auckland region and four Australian states using wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE)
Chris Wilkins, Foon Yin Lai, Jake O’Brien, Phong Thai, Jochen F Mueller

Trends in ischaemic heart disease: patterns of hospitalisation and mortality rates differ by ethnicity (ANZACS-QI 21)
Corina Grey, Rod Jackson, Susan Wells, Billy Wu, Katrina Poppe, Matire Harwood, Gerhard Sundborn, Andrew J Kerr

Chromoendoscopy versus standard colonoscopy for detection of nonpolypoid dysplasia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Anurag Sekra, Cameron Schauer, Lucy Mills, Alain C Vandal, Toby Rose, Dinesh Lal, Ravinder Ogra

Institutional gastroenteritis outbreaks and time to notify public health services
Sarie M Sariningsih, Tui Shadbolt, Jill McKenzie, Julie Collins-Emerson, Jackie Benschop

Pregabalin misuse: preventing potential problems in New Zealand
Rhys Ponton

Clinical Correspondence

Traumatic haemorrhagic lumbar synovial facet cyst presenting as bilateral foot drop: a case report
Caitlin Bodian, Jordan Davis, Alastair Hadlow


On-call goes with the territory!
Stephen Main

Evaluation of the rapid molecular diagnostic test for the New Zealand Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rangipo strain in a clinical setting
Claire V Mulholland, Duncan Thorpe, Ray T Cursons, Noel Karalus, Yang Fong, Vickery L Arcus, Gregory M Cook, Htin Lin Aung

Poor female representation at surgical conference
Joy R Rudland

Response to: A systematic review of leadership training for medical students
Dominic Jaikaransingh, Harry V M Spiers, Hugo Layard Horsfall

Why did so many women develop cancer? Part 3
Ronald Jones

Mortality and morbidity in acutely ill adults treated with liberal versus conservative oxygen therapy

Research letter

Applying the Reason Model to enhance health record research in the age of ‘big data’
Rajan Ragupathy, Vithya Yogarajan


New Zealand transplant patients and organ transplantation in China: some ethical considerations
Phillipa Malpas

