The latest issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow


The latest issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow

Media release from NZMA
1 minute to Read

Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association Vol 131 No 1468: 19 January 2018

Adolescent and young adults with cancer in New Zealand—understudied and underserved 
Heidi Watson, Rochelle Moss

Compassion defined: it’s time for doctors to step up 
Kate Grundy, Amanda Landers

The burden of cancer in 25–29 year olds in New Zealand: a case for a wider adolescent and young adult age range? 
Kirsten Ballantine, Victoria Utley, Heidi Watson, Michael Sullivan, Ruth Spearing

Compassion from a palliative care perspective 
Antonio Fernando, Conor Rea, Phillipa Malpas

Increasing rates of people identifying as transgender presenting to Endocrine Services in the Wellington region 
John W Delahunt, Hayley J Denison, Dalice A Sim, Jemima J Bullock, Jeremy D Krebs

The effect of trampoline parks on presentations to the Christchurch Emergency Department 
Lloyd Roffe, Scott Pearson, Johnathan Sharr, Michael Ardagh

Type of cows’ milk consumption and relationship to health predictors in New Zealand preschool children 
Hajar Mazahery, Carolyn Cairncross, Cathryn Conlon, Lisa Houghton, Jane Coad, Carlos Camargo Jr, Cameron Grant, Pamela von Hurst

Rates of unsuspected thyroid cancer in multinodular thyroid disease 
Miriam Karalus, Jade AU Tamatea, Helen M Conaglen, Michael Dray, Goswin Y Meyer-Rochow, John V Conaglen, Marianne S Elston

A systematic review of leadership training for medical students 
Oscar Lyons, Bruce Su’a, Michelle Locke, Andrew Hill

Evaluation of the Report on Euthanasia for the New Zealand Medical Association by Grant Gillett 
Jack Havill, Libby Smales, Miles Williams, Frank Kueppers

Publication and authorship challenges experienced by medical students involved in biomedical research 
Ibrahim S Al-Busaidi

Research opportunities for medical students: time flies when you’re having fun 
Cameron I Wells, Ibrahim S Al-Busaidi

Euthanasia and abortion 
Margaret J Sparrow
