Many people travel to high-altitude destinations, meaning clinicians are often faced with questions about how to prevent and treat altitude illness. Update your knowledge with this New Zealand Society of Travel Medicine summary of updated evidence-based guidelines with comments by senior lecturer Jenny Visser – it outlines the best prophylactic regimens, diagnostic approaches and treatment protocols for acute altitude illness
The latest issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow
The latest issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow

Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association (Vol 130 No 1467): 15 December 2017
Improved health and welfare will flow from reductions in drinking
Jennie Connor
Management of coronary artery disease in patients on dialysis
Helen Pilmore, Mark Webster, Karishma Sidhu, Gajan Srikumar
Morbidity from intentional self-harm among Pacific peoples in New Zealand 1996–2015
Jemaima Tiatia-Seath, Roy Lay-Yee, Martin Von Randow
Outcome of acute hospital admission for non-specific low back pain: what is the role of MRI?
Eric TA Lim, Jean-Claude Theis
Office design and health: a systematic review
Ann Richardson, John Potter, Margaret Paterson, Thomas Harding, Gaye Tyler-Merrick, Ray Kirk, Kate Reid, Jane McChesney
Characteristics of and differences between Pasifika women and New Zealand European women diagnosed with breast cancer in New Zealand
Charis Brown, Chunhuan Lao, Ross Lawrenson, Sandar Tin Tin, Michelle Schaaf, Jacquie Kidd, Anne Allan-Moetaua, Josephine Herman, Reena Raamsroop, Ian Campbell, Mark Elwood
A retrospective audit of the characteristics and treatment outcomes in patients with diabetes-related charcot neuropathic osteoarthropathy
Joanne Dixon, Joshua Coulter, Michele Garrett, Rick Cutfield
Paediatric testicular tumours in a New Zealand centre
Timothy Little, Shareena Lala, Vipul Upadhyay
Potential for public health success in tackling the hepatitis C virus epidemic
Ian Sheerin
An osteoarthritis model of care should be a national priority for New Zealand
Jennifer Baldwin, Andrew Briggs, Warwick Bagg, Peter Larmer
The Quality Improvement Residency: a model to address the lack of pre-registration education in quality improvement in New Zealand healthcare professionals
Allan Plant
Research opportunities for medical students: how much time do you have?
Yassar Alamri
Funding public healthcare is an investment, not a cost
M Gary Nicholls
Mesh abdominal wall hernia surgery is safe and effective—the harm New Zealand media has done: response to Dr Steven Kelly’s article
Robert Bendavid
Timeliness of melanoma management
Keith Monnington, Sharad Paul, Dirk Venter
New Zealand’s legal action against IQOS postponed, consultation with Big Tobacco follows: a response from the Ministry of Health
Jane Chambers