The latest issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow


The latest issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow

Media release from NZMA
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New Zealand Medical Journal Vol 132, no 1490, 22 February


Smoke in our eyes: The Sense Partners’ evaluation of the legalisation of cannabis in New Zealand
Chris Wilkins, Marta Rychert, Jose S Romeo, Steve Randerson


OPEN ACCESS Electronic whiteboards improve the acute surgical patient admission process
Yi Hai Li, Eve Fitzgerald, Ross Roberts

Post-operative mortality rates for neck of femur fracture at Waitemata District Health Board
Reuben J Kirk, Carlene MM Lawes, William Farrington, Peter Misur, Matthew L Walker, Michal Kluger, Min Yee Seow, Penny Andrew

Patterns of referral and uptake of BReast CAncer (BRCA) gene testing of eligible women with ovarian cancer in New Zealand
Katherine Fraser, Ai Ling Tan, Carrie Innes, Rosalie Stephens, Amanda Tristram, Simone Petrich, Caroline Lintott, Peter H Sykes, Kimberley Gamet, Alice Christian, Bryony Simcock

The cost of teriflunomide in the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
J Alasdair Millar

Multimorbidity and multiple social disadvantage in a New Zealand high-needs free primary healthcare clinic population: a cross-sectional study
Sharmaine Sreedhar, Lauralie Richard, Tim Stokes


A response to: The ‘elephants in the room’ for New Zealand’s health system in its 80th anniversary year: general practice charges and ownership model
Kate Baddock, Jan White, Lesley Clarke

Getting surgical antibiotic prophylaxis right, lessons from the National Orthopaedic Surgical Site Infection Improvement Programme: a call for action!
Arthur J Morris, Sally A Roberts, Nikki Grae, Deborah Jowitt

Smokefree signage at railway stations: a survey of 54 stations in 11 local government areas
Nick Wilson, George Thomson
