Many people travel to high-altitude destinations, meaning clinicians are often faced with questions about how to prevent and treat altitude illness. Update your knowledge with this New Zealand Society of Travel Medicine summary of updated evidence-based guidelines with comments by senior lecturer Jenny Visser – it outlines the best prophylactic regimens, diagnostic approaches and treatment protocols for acute altitude illness
The latest issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow
The latest issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal is out tomorrow
New Zealand Medical Journal, volume 132, 1489, 1 February 2019
The ‘elephants in the room’ for New Zealand’s health system in its 80th anniversary year: general practice charges and ownership models
Robin Gauld, Carol Atmore, Jo Baxter, Peter Crampton, Tim Stokes
Self-harm in adults: a comparison between the middle-aged and the elderly
Yu Mwee Tan, Gary Cheung
Specialist mental health care for older adults in New Zealand—an exploration of service models and routine data
Ruth Cunningham, Debbie Peterson, Adam Sims
The development and first six years of a nurse-led chest pain clinic
Andrew McLachlan, Chris Aldridge, Mildred Lee, Courtney Harper, Andrew Kerr
Lifetime risk of primary total knee replacement surgery in New Zealand from 2000 to 2015
Isobella S Henzell, Lifeng Zhou, Chris Frampton, Gary Hooper, Ilana Ackerman, Simon W Young
Video or verbal? A randomised trial of the informed consent process prior to endoscopy
Cameron Schauer, Tiffany Floyd, Jerry Chin, Alain C Vandal, Alex Lampen-Smith
SF-12 indicators of health following the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake
Megan J Pledger, Janet McDonald, Jacqueline Cumming
Addition of explicit guidance to acute pancreatitis guidelines increases compliance with amylase measurement recommendations
Serin Cooper Maidlow, Michael Ardagh, Rosie Callender, Oliver Thomas
Examining the accuracy of the New Zealand B4 School Check universal health service anthropometric measurements of children
Burt Hatch, Andrew R Gray, Rachael W Taylor, Maha Hanna, Anne-Louise Heath, Julie Lawrence, Rachel Sayers, Barry Taylor
Minimal risk of PFOS residues in eel to Māori consumers
Ian C Shaw, Te-Rina King-Hudson