Inland Revenue issues urgent email scam warning

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Inland Revenue issues urgent email scam warning

Media release from Inland Revenue
1 minute to Read

Inland Revenue is warning people about a particularly sophisticated email tax scam circulating today.
We have had around 120 calls in the last 12 hours about this and we are keen to prevent people being taken. So we are circulating the information as quickly and widely as possible. We would very much appreciate the media’s assistance in this.
It is a phishing scam where people get an email that looks like it’s from Inland Revenue and also a form that looks very convincing. The email says the recipient has a tax refund waiting for them and that they need to update their financial information in order to receive their refund.
The email address appears as “Inland Revenue Department” but is actually sent from The address is false, but looks convincing to the layperson’s eye.
A form comes as an attachment called TaxReturn.HTM. Again it looks convincing but is fake and designed to collect personal and credit card data.
Inland Revenue urges recipients not to open the attachment.
If you have clicked on the form and submitted any personal or credit card data please contact your bank immediately.  We also recommend you contact IDcare ( or phone 0800 201 415).
People can also notify Inland Revenue at