Home support nurses strike


Home support nurses strike

Media release from the New Zealand Nurses Organisation

About 150 New Zealand Nurses Organisation Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa (NZNO) workers employed at Access Home Health will strike today following a breakdown in talks with their employer.

The nurses, who visit and support patients at home, have been in protracted bargaining with Access for more than a year without any inroads, and they have now had enough.
Please find schedule below:

There will be pickets held in these five areas on Monday 15 July:

  • 11.30am at the corner of Curletts and Lunn's Road, Christchurch
  • 11.30am outside Access Office (on footpath 93 Rangitikei St, Palmerston North)
  • 11.30am outside Access Head Office (on footpath 110 Jackson Street, Petone)
  • 12 noon outside Access Office 80 MacAndrew Road, Dunedin.
  • 12 noon outside Access Office 92 Otepuni Avenue, Newfield, Invercargill