Health unions slam Treasury on threats to Christchurch health services

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Health unions slam Treasury on threats to Christchurch health services

Media release from New Zealand Nurses Organisation

Unions representing health professionals are slamming Treasury for last months report undermining Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB), which alleged CDHB’s ‘poor financial performance’ was ‘a concern’.

“This is the tired old rhetoric of neo-liberalism. In July, the Treasury released a report alleging CDHB was fiscally ‘underperforming’ and cited management issues at the Board. At the same time, the Council of Trade Unions estimates the New Zealand health sector is underfunded by over $2 billion”, said Unions Canterbury Convenor Karena Brown.

“Cantabrians elect their District Health Board members in the good faith that their knowledge and skills will best serve our community’s health needs” said Brown. A demonstration was held today in front of Christchurch Public Hospital, attended by health workers, patients and the general public.

“We are here to show our support for our democratically-elected District Health Board and to make clear that decisions about CDHB are to be made by Cantabrians”, she said.

“Our health worker members are telling us that our communities are sicker and more vulnerable than ever before. Our families deserve a fully-funded health system, not threats and further pulling of purse strings.

“We want our health professionals to be making decisions in the interests of patients, not accountants”, she said.