Respiratory physician Lutz Beckert considers chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management, including the prevention of COPD, the importance of smoking cessation and pulmonary rehabilitation, and the lifesaving potential of addressing treatable traits. He also discusses the logic of inhaler therapy, moving from single therapy to dual and triple therapy when indicated, as well as other aspects of management
Green Party stands in support of survivors of abuse in care
Green Party stands in support of survivors of abuse in care

Today, the Green Party stands alongside the survivors of abuse in state care and faith-based care as the Government issues an historic apology.
“Today marks a long-awaited acknowledgment of the harm and trauma endured by survivors," says the Green Party’s Spokesperson for Children, Kahurangi Carter.
“This is a significant milestone which recognises the years of courage and resilience required to bring these survivor experiences to light, despite efforts by the state over the decades to cover up the abuses they suffered.
“Every child, young person or adult placed in state or faith-based care should be protected from harm and given everything they need to thrive. Survivors of abuse suffered at the hands of the state and churches deserve more than an apology, they deserve action that ensures what happened to them never happens again.
“The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care provided us with harrowing testimony from survivors as well as invaluable insight into both how we failed as a society and how we must change.
“The Green Party believes that today’s apology must be more than a statement. It must be a genuine commitment to change. The survivors’ brave testimonies should be followed by justice and healing - we owe that to the 250,000 people affected.
“The report and recommendations pose a challenge to a great many of our institutions: our government and state, civil society, churches, and to New Zealand society as a whole. We are all tasked with addressing the deep-rooted issues which led us here, and changing direction for the future.
“We acknowledge that those who bore the brunt of the abuse were Māori, Pacific, Disabled, Deaf, those experiencing mental distress, Rainbow, and impoverished children.
“We honour the vital work of those who have fought tirelessly for accountability, and thank all those survivors, whānau, hapū, iwi, communities and support networks who advocated and told their stories throughout the Inquiry.
“The Green Party commits to working for a future where every child grows up safe, secure, and free from violence.” says Kahurangi Carter.