Federation welcomes its first members


Federation welcomes its first members

Media release - The Federation of Primary Health Aotearoa New Zealand
1 minute to Read

The Federation of Primary Health Aotearoa New Zealand (the Federation), which was formally launched in the Grand Hall of Parliament in the company of the Prime Minister last month, has approved its first tranche of membership applications.
Confirming the first 26 member organisations, Dame Annette King, Chair of the Establishment Board said “This is an amazing response from across the sector, with the multi-professional, multi-agency collaboration that we already know will be essential to address the current and future health challenges for all New Zealanders.”

The initial membership of the Federation already encompasses nursing, pharmacy, midwifery, allied health, the ambulance sector, home & community health, NGOs and PHOs providing services to some of the most disadvantaged and isolated communities in the country.
Chair-Elect of the Federation, Honorable Steve Chadwick paid tribute to the work of the Establishment Board “Such a broad initial membership is testament to the hard work and progress made by the Establishment Board over the past few months. Creating a Federation which is immediately recognised as a credible platform for health and social care integration is an achievement to be proud of.”
The Establishment Board will now be making way for a substantive Governance Board which will be appointed over the coming weeks following an election process involving initial Federation members. A call for nominations is being issued immediately to those initial paid-up member organisations that have been confirmed today.
Hon, Steve Chadwick continued on to say “Applications have also been received from vital primary health agencies which do not meet the initial Federation membership criteria. Unfortunately that meant they could not be approved at this stage by the Establishment Board. One of my first tasks as Chair-Elect will be to work with the substantive Board to ensure the Federation is as inclusive as possible. I believe it is that inclusivity which will be key to our success.”

