Daily COVID-19 - 33 community cases

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Daily COVID-19 - 33 community cases

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Undoctored COVID


*Number of new community cases


Number of new cases identified at the border


Location of new community cases

Auckland (32), Waikato (1)

Location of community cases (total)

Auckland (including four cases in Upper Hauraki; all of whom are in the same household) 1,309 (1,061 of whom have recovered); Waikato 2; Wellington 17 (all of whom have recovered)

Number of community cases (total)

1,328 (in current community outbreak)

Cases infectious in the community

Fourteen of yesterday’s 27 cases have exposure events

Cases in isolation throughout the period they were infectious

Thirteen of yesterday’s 27 cases

Cases epidemiologically linked

Eighteen of today’s 33 cases.

Cases to be epidemiologically linked

Fifteen of today’s 33 cases. Investigations are continuing to determine a link.

Cases epidemiologically linked (total)

1,283 (in the current cluster) (23 unlinked from the past fortnight).

Number of sub-clusters

15 epidemiologically linked subclusters. Of these, six are active, two are contained and seven are dormant. There are 14 epidemiologically unlinked subclusters. Of these, five are active, one is contained and eight are dormant.

Cases in hospital

26 (total): North Shore (3); Middlemore (13); Auckland (9); Waikato (1)

Cases in ICU or HDU


Confirmed cases (total)

3,995 since pandemic began

Historical cases, since 1 Jan 2021 (total)

163 out of 2,178 since 1 Jan 2021


Number of active contacts being managed (total):


Percentage who have received an outbound call from contact tracers (to confirm testing and isolation requirements)


Percentage with at least one test result


Locations of interest

Locations of interest (total)

100 (as at 9am 3 October)


Number of tests (total)


Number of tests total (last 24 hours)


Tests processed in Auckland (last 24 hours)


Tests rolling average (last 7 days)


Testing centres in Auckland



Wastewater detections

No unexpected detections in the last 24 hours

COVID-19 vaccine update

Vaccines administered to date (total)

5,319,381; 1st doses: 3,321,136; 2nd doses: 1,998,245

Vaccines administered yesterday (total)

50,067; 1st doses: 12,776; 2nd doses: 37,291


1st doses: 322,523; 2nd doses: 175,905

Pacific Peoples

1st doses: 208,390; 2nd doses: 124,358

Vaccines administered to Auckland residents to date (total)

1,937,898: 1st doses: 1,203,152 (84%); 2nd doses: 734,746 (51%)

Vaccines administered to Auckland residents yesterday (total)

21,567: 1st doses: 4,554; 2nd doses: 17,013

NZ COVID-19 tracer

Registered users (total)


Poster scans (total)


Manual diary entries (total)


Poster scans in 24 hours to midday yesterday


*One case reported publicly today, located in Hamilton East, is not included in today’s figures due to the time of reporting. This case will be included in tomorrow’s data.