Community dementia service shifts to CCCN

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Community dementia service shifts to CCCN

Media release from West Coast DHB
1 minute to Read

Community Dementia Services will soon be managed through the Complex Clinical Care Network (CCCN), to better meet the needs of the West Coast community. 

West Coast DHB Director Mental Health and Addiction Services Dr Cameron Lacey says the move from being run by Mental Health Services to CCCN will improve accessibility to a broader range of services, ensure people are supported and reduce duplication.  

“It’s a waste of patients’ time when they have to be assessed more than once for different services.  This is particularly difficult for people living with dementia in our community. Many of our people living with dementia are already being supported by CCCN, so this change means care will be coordinated through a single team,” Dr Lacey says.

The change will take place from 4 September.  The CCCN is based at 100 Tainui St, Greymouth, and Buller Health, Westport, phone 03 768 0481.  All patients currently registered with the Community Dementia Service have been notified.

Dr Lacey will work with the CCCN to provide specialist psychiatry services for older people, as and when required.  The CCCN also has input from an Older Persons’ Health Specialist Geriatrician.  The CCCN can facilitate access to the likes of day programmes, home support, respite care, as well as provide specialist advice and support.

If anyone would like more information, they can talk to their general practice team who provide advice and referrals to the Complex Clinical Care Network as appropriate.