Commissioner moving on from HDC after a decade


Commissioner moving on from HDC after a decade

Media release from HDC

Health and Disability Commissioner Anthony Hill confirmed that his current term, which ends later this year, will be his last.

“I signalled to the Minister when he re-appointed me, that this term would be my last. It has been a privilege to serve in this role, but after 10 years, it felt like the right time to hand the baton on,” Mr Hill said.

“The position of Commissioner is unique as the independent watchdog for New Zealand’s health and disability services. I am incredibly proud of the team that has supported me in this role and their commitment to the important work HDC does for the people of New Zealand.”

Mr Hill said he was working closely with the Ministry of Health, which will co-ordinate the appointment process, to ensure a smooth transition.

Mr Hill was first appointed as Health and Disability Commissioner in July 2010.
