CANGO response to Pharmac funding announcement


CANGO response to Pharmac funding announcement

Prostate Cancer Foundation
1 minute to Read

Associate Health Minister David Seymour’s announcement of an additional $1.774, to address Pharmac’s deficit over the next 4 years is a good first step to ensure Kiwi’s continue to have access to existing funded medicines.

Although this is Pharmac’s biggest budget ever, significantly more is needed; as incremental change will not address medicines currently sitting on the options for funding list, considered standard of care in other countries or New Zealand sitting at the bottom of the OCED for medicine access.

We remain hopeful that the additional investment in Pharmac’s budget is only the first step in the Minister Seymour’s commitment to the transformational change that New Zealanders need, to ensure access to life saving pharmaceuticals.

About CANGO:

ANGO (Cancer Non-Governmental Organisations) is an alliance of prominent New Zealand cancer charities including:

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
Bowel Cancer New Zealand
Cancer Society of New Zealand
Gut Cancer Foundation
Ovarian Cancer Foundation
Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand
Melanoma New Zealand
Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand
Unicorn Foundation of New Zealand

The group was formed in 2007 in an effort to increase collaboration among cancer charities.Chief Executives of member organisations meet quarterly to discuss key issues facing the sector; to meet and share information with representatives from Te Aho o Te Kahu, the Ministry of Health and others working in cancer related areas; and to work together on specific initiatives that reflect the shared goal of all members to reduce the incidence and impact of cancer on New Zealand and New Zealanders.