Action on mental health review welcomed


Action on mental health review welcomed

Media release from ActionStation
1 minute to Read

The People’s Mental Health Review welcome the Prime Minister’s announcement today of the details of the Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction Services, and acknowledge the inclusion of the findings of the People's Mental Health Report in the Terms of Reference as a reference document, and starting point for, this government review.

The Review will be Chaired by former Health and Disability Commissioner, Professor Ron Paterson and is tasked with reviewing and reporting back to the Government by October 2018.

The call for a comprehensive review of the mental health system became a key issue of the election last year. The Minister of Health Dr. David Clarke last month accepted all four recommendations of the People's Mental Health Report, including the implementation of this review.

"If this Inquiry is to make a lasting, positive change to our country’s mental health, it will need to deliver on its promise to listen to, and learn from, the experiences of the many New Zealanders who have struggled to access mental health services when they needed them,” says ActionStation Co-Director and author of the People’s Mental Health Report, Marianne Elliott.

“The breadth of the terms of reference of the inquiry are promising,” says Elliott, “as is the explicit expectation that the panel will travel around the country to listen to people whose experiences and expertise are too often overlooked, including Māori, young people and mental health service users.”

"It's important that all New Zealanders feel that this is their review and they can turn up and tell their story to the review panel." Says People's Mental Health Review Spokesperson Kyle MacDonald. "This is a once in a generation opportunity to influence the way that mental health and addiction services are delivered in New Zealand. The Labour-led Government are showing that they are listening to the concerns of those who called for a review, lets hope the review panel keeps listening."

The Review will report back to the Government in October 2018, and details of how the review plans to ensure access for people to make submissions are yet to be announced.

