ROLE CALL: NZMA to lose treasured boss Lesley Clarke

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ROLE CALL: NZMA to lose treasured boss Lesley Clarke

New Zealand Doctor team

New Zealand Doctor team

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Keeping up with people on the move and gaining recognition in the health sector

The NZMA has called chief executive Lesley Clarke a safe pair of hands as Ms Clarke prepares to leave after 10 years in the job.

Chair Alistair Humphrey and the NZMA board have acknowledged her “unwavering dedication, clear distillation of difficult issues, and diligent care for staff and members”. With her guidance, the association is as influential as ever, the NZMA says in its latest Vital Signs newsletter.

“Lesley has established strong alliances with sector organisations and government agencies, and has formed trusted and collaborative relationships with key individuals. As one stakeholder put it, she ‘forms strong networks and ensures they flourish’…

“Lesley is a strong and effective advocate for doctors and their patients, and her magnificent 10 years of service with NZMA is proudly celebrated by all. She will be sorely missed.”

Marketing and communications manager Esther Munro becomes acting chief executive on 1 March.

Lesley Clarke [Image: NZMA]
New to the Southern Cross board

Southern Cross Healthcare has three new trustees, Chris Black, David Bridgman and Dwayne Crombie, as of this month.

Accountant Chris Black, a former president of the Insurance Council of New Zealand, has expertise in corporate strategy, customer service, joint ventures, and financial and risk management. Mr Black was chief executive at FMG between 2008 and 2021.

Chris Black [Image: Southern Cross]

Former PwC partner of 22 years David Bridgman, an accountant, has worked with many New Zealand cooperatives and mutual organisations. Mr Bridgman, who chairs several private companies, is a provider of corporate finance and strategic advisory services.

David Bridgman [Image: Southern Cross]

Dr Crombie, a public health medicine specialist, is head of health services for Bupa Asia Pacific. He has been with Bupa for 15 years in managing director roles. The former Waitematā DHB chief executive is on several company boards. He has extensive public, academic and private governance experience, says Southern Cross in a media release announcing the appointments.

Dwayne Crombie [Image: Southern Cross]
Australian radiologist new head of college

Sanjay Jeganathan started this month as president of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists. The Australian clinical associate professor takes over from New Zealand-based Lance Lawler, former chief executive and founding partner of Pacific Radiology.

Dr Jeganathan is a practising radiologist at the Perth Radiological Clinic and a consultant radiologist at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Breast Screen Western Australia. He has previously worked in Queensland, New Zealand and WA.

His service to the college has included being a board director and member of the finance, risk and audit, governance, awards and WA branch committees. He is dean of the college’s clinical radiology faculty.

Sanjay Jeganathan [Image: RANZCR]

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