When usual care is no care at all: A Canterbury tale of lives turned around

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When usual care is no care at all: A Canterbury tale of lives turned around

Jill Thomson, Corrections
Corrections’ Jill Thomson says many prisoners’ families have never been connected with a GP

For the hundreds of Kiwis getting out of jail in any one year, healthcare is a necessity – but not one they usually obtain with ease. Fiona Cassie reports from Christchurch about cross-sector efforts to do better by this group

Popping out to the waiting room to find little old ladies chatting with heavily tattooed gang members warms the heart of Christchurch GP Jeremy Baker.

1. Mitchell T, Theadom A, du Preez E. Prevalence of traumatic brain injury in a male adult prison population and its association with the offence type. Neuroepidemiology 2017;48(3-4):164–70.