Teamwork and community spirit: Strong bonds define Karori Medical Centre in Wellington’s largest suburb

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Teamwork and community spirit: Strong bonds define Karori Medical Centre in Wellington’s largest suburb

Karori Medical Centre team
Karori Medical Centre team members, from left: Administrator Erin Dawbin, nurse Annaliese Wos, general manager Fiona McConnon, GPs Gabrielle Rubin, Ros Wall, Ian Dodsworth, Andreea Mogos, nurse Evie Hamblin, health improvement practitioner Debbie Taylor

During the pandemic, Karori Medical Centre patients voluntarily took to the streets to assist with traffic management and distribute testing kits, exemplifying the kind of reciprocal support that benefits the practice and the community, reports Zahra Shahtahmasebi

"We look after our community, and they look after us,” says Karori Medical Centre co-director and specialist GP Andreea Mogos. This mutual support