Love is all you need: Romance is in the air and onscreen, so kick back and enjoy

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Love is all you need: Romance is in the air and onscreen, so kick back and enjoy

Nat Dolan

Nat Dolan

Dressmaking mannequin CR Roberto Martinez on Unsplash
Series The New Look – available from Valentine’s Day – focuses on the emergence of fashion icon Christian Dior [Image: Roberto Martinez on Unsplash]

Nat Dolan suggests some romantic offerings to stream, as well as comedy and feel-good viewing choices

We’ve reached that time of year again – Valentine’s Day. For the cynics, it’s a time to grumble at the commercial aspect, where complex emotions betwe, Heart pink sparklers CR Jamie Street on Unsplash, The heart shape as commonly depicted may be inaccurate, but it remains a symbol for love [Image: Jamie Street on Unsplash]