Lack of political will leaves tāngata whaikaha Māori adrift

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Lack of political will leaves tāngata whaikaha Māori adrift

Gabrielle Baker, consultant, health equity

Gabrielle Baker

Adrift - sailing dinghy at sea CR Photoshop AI image
[Image: Photoshop AI image]

Concerns are growing over the lack of political will to address long-standing issues that leave disabled people, particularly tāngata whaikaha Māori, with an uncertain future, writes Gabrielle Baker

It is plausible, if not likely, there will be tāngata whaikaha Māori and disabled people who miss out on services they would otherwise be entitled to
  1. For example, in advice on the changes to funding rules in March, Whaikaha advised ministers that it expects “these measures would impact most on the families of those with the most complex needs, the Autism community, and potentially Māori and Pasifika”. Newsroom, 2 May 2024. Online.
  2. For a brief summary of the history disability of disability in Aotearoa, visit
  3. Dr Paula King, 2019. Māori with Lived Experience of Disability, Part I Report, prepared for the Waitangi Tribunal. Available online at
  4. A summary of the committee report is available on the Office for Disability Issues website,