The great telehealth rev-up – but to what effect? 


The great telehealth rev-up – but to what effect? 

Richard Medlicott

Richard Medlicott

Telehealth image Sincerely Media on Unsplash
Telehealth can work well, but all general practice is better in the context of continuity of care, says Richard Medlicott [Image: Sincerely Media on Unsplash]

It’s a case of big promises; same problems. The Government’s $285 million primary care package offers much-needed funding, but will it fix the real issues? It mostly reinforces existing models rather than driving real change, says Richard Medlicott

“I love having my 1500 patients registered with me. Of course, there are the heartsink moments, but to me, it’s the essence of general practice”

1. Helen Salisbury: Community saves lives, The BMJ, 12 October 2021,