NHC chief executive Simon Royal announces resignation


NHC chief executive Simon Royal announces resignation

National Hauora Coaltion
2 minutes to Read

On behalf of NHC Board Chair, Dame Paula Rebstock, and the Board of Directors, the NHC Executive wish to share the news that our inaugural Chief Executive, Simon Royal, will be stepping down from his position at the end of the month.

Simon’s haerenga with the kaupapa started in 2009 with the Incorporated Society of a 14 member Māori Primary Health Organisation (PHO). This developed in 2010 when the National Māori PHO Coalition Incorporated were successful with the Better Sooner More Convenient Whānau Ora business case in primary care. Following this, the majority of the Incorporated Society members agreed to merge to become a new national trust and company: National Hauora Coalition.

Over the past 12 years, NHC has continued to evolve, becoming a significant player in primary care commissioning. Under Simon’s leadership, we have developed the sixth biggest PHO network and largest Māori PHO network in Aotearoa. Simon has also played a key role in the Wai 2575 Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry, as a named Treaty claimaint and primary care industry expert witness.

As Simon has put in his own words:

“In the last 12 years NHC has developed from a concept nurtured in an Avondale garage and has flourished into a significant health sector influencer pursuing a transformative agenda for the health system based on mana whānau, whānau ora and a commitment to representing Māori aspirations in hauora.”

In making his announcement to NHC kaimahi, Simon thanked Trustees Kahurangi Dame Tariana Turia and Wayne McLean for their support of and dedication to NHC’s kaupapa, past governors and trustees, including Dame Cindy Kiro, the late Tā Wira Gardiner and Henare Mason for their steady hands upon the “NHC steering wheel,” and the current Board of Directors for their courage in stepping forward to lead the organisation into the future.

Simon also acknowledged the wider supporters of NHC, including our primary health network, social service providers, iwi leadership, past and present ministers and others “too many to mention by name,” NHC’s Executive Leadership Team who he has been immensely proud to lead and have consistently risen to meet the challenges presented by the pandemic environment and wider socio-political factors, and all NHC kaimahi and whānau both past and present whom “this is all about.”

The NHC whānau acknowledge and are extremely grateful to Simon for his lifetime contribution to the kaupapa and the future aspirations of NHC which we are well placed to embark upon.

Nō reira e te rangatira, te tumu whakarae! Nei ra te mihi nui rawa ki a koe, mō tō mahi, tō kaha hoki e ū ana ki te kaupapa ō National Hauora Coalition. Kia pai tō haere ahakoa ki hea koe e haere ana. Nō mātou katoa te whiwhinga te waimarie hoki mō tō mahi arahi i ā mātou katoa. Ma Ihoa hei manaaki hei tiaki i ā koe me tōu whānau i ngā wa katoa.

Acknowledging our CE. We thank you for all your hard work, also your drive to support the kaupapa of National Hauora Coalition. Go well wherever your journey takes you. We have been so fortunate and grateful for your guidance. Blessings to you and your family always.

Nō reira e te Tumu Whakarae

Ka mihi, ka mihi
