Budget little to write home about: $5 script fee, 25 doctors, small change

+Summer Hiatus

Budget little to write home about: $5 script fee, 25 doctors, small change

Open purse CR Natikka on iStock
[Image: Natikka on iStock]

We are on our summer break and the editorial office is closed until 13 January. In the meantime, please enjoy our Summer Hiatus series, in which our journalists curate an eclectic mix from our news and clinical archives throughout the year, The Conversation and other publications we share content with. Please note the comment function has been turned off while we are away. Happy reading!

This article was first published online on 19 June 2024.

From Barbara: Expectations were not high for primary care in this year’s Budget. So, in that respect, it delivered. Here I had the easy role of collating comments from interviews carried out by the reporters on Budget Day and the days following

Vote Health increase, VALUE: The total health spend in Budget 2024 is $29.6 billion, 11.8 per cent more than the $26.5 billion set aside for Vote Health in 2023. DETAILS