Role Call - People on the move and getting recognition in the health sector

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Role Call - People on the move and getting recognition in the health sector

New Zealand Doctor team

New Zealand Doctor team

2 minutes to Read
Diana Sarfati 2019
Diana Sarfati [Image: NZD]
Acting director-general gets the nod

“Respected and skilled senior leader” Diana Sarfati is the new director-general of health and chief executive of the Ministry of Health, the Public Service Commission announced on its website late last month. Dr Sarfati has been acting directorgeneral since the departure of Ashley Bloomfield in July. Her appointment runs for five years from 1 December. A former public health professor at the University of Otago, Wellington, she has recently been chief executive at Te Aho o Te Kahu, the Cancer Control Agency.

Public health oversight for former Green MP
Kevin Hague [Image: Supplied]

A new Public Health Advisory Committee, set up to consider the factors underlying the health of people and communities and prioritise equity-based approaches, will be chaired by Kevin Hague.

Mr Hague, the Mental Health Commission deputy chair, was formerly Forest and Bird chief executive, Green Party MP and health spokesperson and, prior to that, chief executive of the former West Coast DHB.

Also on the committee are public health academics Sir Collin Tukuitonga, Jason Gurney, Peter Crampton and Ruth Cunningham, and midwifery leader Beverly Te Huia.

Information security role at national agency
Sonny Taite [Image: Supplied]

Sonny Taite (Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Awa) has started as chief information security officer at Te Whatu Ora, responsible for developing and executing cyber security strategy, mission and guiding principles, and for establishing and implementing the Te Whatu Ora security operating model.

Mr Taite, who was with Datacom for 10 years and recently led information security for Te Whatu Ora Te Waipounamu, has 30-plus years’ experience in technology in defence and corporate environments, says a Te Whatu Ora media release.

Community wellbeing is key for new PHO chair
Chrissie Hape [Image: Supplied]

Hawke’s Bay PHO has a new chair, Chrissie Hape (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngai Tahu, Moriori), the kaiwhakahaere matua/chief executive of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc since 2018. Ms Hape has more than 35 years’ experience in central government and community sectors. Her focus has been to support community development and strengthen partnerships between government, community and iwi towards improved health, education, social and wellbeing outcomes and reduced inequities. Ms Hape joined the Ngāti Kahungunu iwi body in 2015 from senior roles with the Ministry of Social Development. She has a Master of Public Management.

‘Positive impacts’ across the Tū Ora organisation
Alistair Vickers [Image: Supplied]

Tū Ora Compass Health chief information officer Alistair Vickers was named CIO of the Year at the 2022 New Zealand CIO Awards in Christchurch last month. Mr Vickers has been in his role with Tū Ora since December 2017. The PHO’s chair Debbie Chin, in a media release, describes him as an authentic leader and whole-of-systems thinker, who has positive impacts across the organisation. Mr Vickers has worked in IT for MetService, Wellington Water, Plunket and the Parliamentary Service.

Another term on ProCare board
Francesco Lentini [Image: Supplied]

The ProCare co-operative board reappointed specialist GP Francesco Lentini as a director for an additional three-year term as Jan White, also a specialist GP, steps down after nine years. Dr Lentini is associate clinical director for the PHO and a former lead medical educator with the RNZCGP. A GP partner at Mairangi Medical Centre on Auckland’s North Shore, he has served on the General Practice NZ executive.


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