Respiratory physician Lutz Beckert considers chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management, including the prevention of COPD, the importance of smoking cessation and pulmonary rehabilitation, and the lifesaving potential of addressing treatable traits. He also discusses the logic of inhaler therapy, moving from single therapy to dual and triple therapy when indicated, as well as other aspects of management
Funding twilight zone: hospitals eating primary healthcare system
Funding twilight zone: hospitals eating primary healthcare system
Wednesday 15 February 2017, 09:00 AM

Pinnacle Midlands Health Network chief executive John Macaskill-Smith believes New Zealand's health system is reaching a crisis point already seen in the English system - time for a wake-up call
England's Department of Health has publicised that hospitals in England in 2016 have run up a record deficit of $2.45 billion - the biggest overspend
Kia ora and welcome to New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa
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